New 7 Qc Tools Pdf

New 7 Qc Tools PdfViews

These tools are known as '7 New Management and Planning Tools' and used by Six Sigma professionals for qualitative data analysis. This video gives you a brief introduction of all New 7 QC Tools.

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7 Qc Tools Pdf 2017

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New 7 Qc Tools Quality Management

  • Today, QC is still undergoing a major transformation. Through the evolution of TQM, all people in every dept and at every level have been and are being involved. Initially, QC was thought to be the responsibility solely of production dept through the inspection process. TQM now has become everyone’s business from Planning to Engineering to Marketing, and to direct Customer Service. (Nayatini 1) To assist in meeting the demands of this transformation,the Seven New QC Tools have been created. These have also been referred to as the N7’s or Seven Mgt. Tools for QC.
  • Affinity Diagrams Relations Diagrams Tree Diagrams Matrix Diagrams Arrow Diagrams Process Decision Program Charts Matrix data analysis We will spending most of our time on the first 6. Before we actually get started, we need to look at the:
  • A committee for developing QC tools affiliated with JUSE was set up in April 1972. Their aim was to develop QC techniques for use by managerial level and staff. This committee was headed by Yoshinobu Nayatani and they met regularly. In January 1977 the committee announced the results of its research in the form of a new set of methods called 'The Seven New QC Tools’. (
  • Their intent was to develop tools that would provide methods of organizing verbal data. They wanted to create a complete “Design Approach”. The established Basic 7 tools were very effective, however they were primarily focused on numerical data. For example, if a washing machine is redesigned. The customers don’t like the new control panel, style, and color. These statements are not expressed in numerically , but verbally. These statements are expressions of data, but only in a verbal form. (Nayatini 3) So in conjunction in with the B7, the N7 can dramatically increase the the effectiveness of many TQM activities. The two sets of tools can greatly assist the promotion of Total Quality.
  • Flow Charts - pictorial representation showing all of the steps of a process Run Charts - used to analyze processes according to time or order Histograms - bar graphs with frequency intervals Pareto Diagrams - 80/20 histograms for identifying and prioritizing problems Cause and Effect Diagrams - fishbone diagrams Scatter Diagrams - Identifies the possible relationship between the changes observed in two different sets of variables . Control Charts - used to determine whether a process will produce a product or service with consistent measurable properties
  • This shows how the N7 and the B7 complement each other in solving quality-related problems. Facts -> to Data! Do people provide data in numerical form or verbally? (How do you?) Information - This is the most IMPORTANT GOAL!!! Without the info, there will be no KNOWLEDGE gained which is required for achieving our goal! (Nayatini 4)
  • The N7 are used for promoting Total Quality. The goals for TQM are: Ensuring company fulfills obligations, Securing profits, Developing people (Nayatini 9) The N7 enhance the capabilities of every employee. It has a direct impact on developing the workforce. At the same time, the effectiveness and efficiency is greatly enhanced which results directly on the bottom-line.
  • The N7 will lead to Organizational Reform system-wide. These keys lead to a greater set of skills. The most important being, the ability to be proactive in anticipating future problems. (Nayatini 10)
  • The Organizational Reform establishes a system wide Culture that should result in stimulating people to think for themselves. This culture should result in a workforce that is constantly “Thinking TQM” and being “Creative with TQM”. (Nayatini 10)
  • The N7 are techniques for untangling the intricate relationships among the different variables of a problem. Using the N7 makes it easy to clarify the situation, establish a plan, and get to the root cause of the the problem. It also makes it easier to explain the situation and get “buy-in” with their cooperation. (Nayatini 6)
  • Affinity diagram is a tool/method that gathers large amounts of intertwined verbal data. It organizes the verbal data into groups based on natural relationship. Such formation of distinct groups help a meaningful picture to emerge, thereby making it feasible for further analysis and to find a solution to the problem. (
  • Review each bullet point!
  • Review each bullet point!
  • Review each bullet point! Topic: How will we spread the N7 through out the company? Ask for actual examples!!! Brainstorming in a group - Set up rules: No criticism, anything goes, More is best, Combine and improve ideas (Nayatini 39) When collecting data: - review circumstances surrounding the problem -examine the facts from a broad perspective -summarize statements in concise sentences When reviewing verbal data: - rewrite statements in specific terms
  • Review each bullet point! Topic: How will we spread the N7 through out the company? Combine actual examples!!! When grouping data cards: - do not group based on logic. Do so according to tendency of a natural result of mutual affinity. -do not rely on the superficial literal meaning -avoid classifying by keywords When writing Affinity cards: - capture the essence in a single statement - avoid general, abstract statements
  • Review each bullet point! Topic: How will we spread the N7 through out the company? When constructing and laying out diagram: - place the most important group of cards in the center
  • Review the Diagram
  • Relations Diagram also known as Interrelationship diagram is a tool for finding solution to problems that have complex causal relationship. This helps to untangle and find the logical relations among the intertwined causes and effects. It is a creative process which allows for 'Multi-directional' rather than 'linear' thinking to be used. (
  • Review each bullet point!
  • Review each bullet point!
  • Review each bullet point! Topic: Why do accidents due to falling objects happen in the workplace? (Nayatini 21) Ask for actual examples!!! When collecting causes: -start by defining any preconditions When reviewing verbal data: -discuss the problem thoroughly for clarity before writing card When writing cards: -ensure that the statement has only one possible meaning -express each statement in a complete sentence
  • Review each bullet point! Topic: Why do accidents due to falling objects happen in the workplace? (Nayatini 21) Ask for actual examples!!! When writing cards: -one concise idea per card When reviewing cause-effect relationships: -keep asking why -break down problem into components -look at situation from vary angles
  • Review each bullet point! Topic: Why do accidents due to falling objects happen in the workplace? (Nayatini 21) Ask for actual examples!!! When reviewing relationships: -when linking cause-effect, keep pair close together -break any continual loops -look at situation from vary angles
  • Review the Diagram
  • Tree Diagram is a technique for mapping out full range of paths and tasks that need to be done in order to achieve a primary goal and related sub goals. Such a diagram reveals in a simple way with clarity not only the magnitude of the problem but also helps to arrive at methods which are to be pursued to achieve the results. In other words, it serves the purpose of developing the essential means to achieve an objective or goal. (
  • Review each bullet point!
  • Review each bullet point! Topic: What kind of support must managers and technical staff provide in order to keep QC circles active? (Nayatini 24) Ask for actual examples!!! General: -have a group of diverse backgrounds and experience. Ideas are more readily generated -use brainstorming to creative more ideas and objectives When setting objectives: -make sure basic objectives are compatible with the next higher objective -make sure necessary means of achieving the objective have been included
  • Review each bullet point! Topic: What kind of support must managers and technical staff provide in order to keep QC circles active? (Nayatini 24) Ask for actual examples!!! When setting objectives: -make sure to scrutinize as you go to eliminate blind spots and omissions -make sure the develop the means for achieving the the objective at the level which it has to be implemented at necessary means of achieving the objective have been included When completing the diagram: -start at lowest level means and work back through the diagram. Verify each mean is capable of achieving objective
  • Review the Diagram
  • A Matrix Diagram consists of a number of columns and rows whose intersections are checked up, to find out the nature and strength of the problem . This will help us to arrive at key ideas and analyzing the relationship or its absence at the intersection and finding an effective way of pursuing the problem solving method. This enables conception of ideas on two dimensional relationship basis. The intersection points are also called "idea conception points". (
  • Review each bullet point!
  • Review each bullet point!
  • Review each bullet point! Topic: Evaluating Strategies and Allocating Responsibilities (Nayatini 48) General: -obtain problem-solving ideas by studying relationships between vertical and horizontal subjects -solve problems effectively by using the intersections on the matrix as starting points -be objective when assessing the strength of relationships -obtain reliable data from experience supported by actual observations -obtain a consensus among a group with real experience on the topic
  • Review each bullet point! Topic: Evaluating Strategies and Allocating Responsibilities (Nayatini 48) General: -obtain problem-solving ideas by studying relationships between vertical and horizontal subjects -solve problems effectively by using the intersections on the matrix as starting points -be objective when assessing the strength of relationships -obtain reliable data from experience supported by actual observations -obtain a consensus among a group with real experience on the topic
  • Review each bullet point! Topic: Evaluating Strategies and Allocating Responsibilities (Nayatini 48) General: -obtain problem-solving ideas by studying relationships between vertical and horizontal subjects -solve problems effectively by using the intersections on the matrix as starting points -be objective when assessing the strength of relationships -obtain reliable data from experience supported by actual observations -obtain a consensus among a group with real experience on the topic
  • Review the Diagram
  • Arrow diagrams are a network technique using nodes for events and arrows for activities for project planning, scheduling and monitoring. This is a very useful tool when we want to plan the activities of a known but a complex task or project. With the help of this tool we can workout an ideal project plan and also daily plan for not only to the main task but also for the other allied tasks and monitor their progress in an effective manner. (
  • Review each bullet point!
  • Review each bullet point!
  • Review each bullet point! Topic: Holding an In-House Training Seminar on the New Seven QC Tools? (Nayatini 30) Ask for actual examples!!! General: -be specific on exact constraints of the objective When listing activities: -express each task by a unique pair -find all tasks that can be performed in parallel time frame
  • Review each bullet point! Topic: Holding an In-House Training Seminar on the New Seven QC Tools? (Nayatini 30) Ask for actual examples!!! When reviewing activities: -use positive integers in the actual sequence (1 goes to 2, 2 cannot go to 1) -find all tasks that can be performed in parallel time frame
  • Review each bullet point! Topic: Holding an In-House Training Seminar on the New Seven QC Tools? (Nayatini 30) Ask for actual examples!!! When examining path: -use positive integers in the actual path -work from the farthest left side, then move to the next section and mark all activities before moving to next section -ensure that the diagram shows the exact correct sequence
  • Review the Diagram
  • The Process Decision Program Chart (PDPC) is a very useful and powerful method to overcome a problem or a goal to be achieved which are not familiar. With the help of PDPC we can map out all the conceivable events or contingencies that can occur in the implementation stage and also find out feasible counter measures to overcome these problems. (
  • Review each bullet point!
  • Review each bullet point!
  • Review each bullet point! Topic: Holding an In-House Training Seminar on the New Seven QC Tools? (Nayatini 35) Ask for actual examples!!! General: -continue updating the PDPC as it unfolds -consider that contingency plans are the objective. We are looking for the possible things that can go wrong. When listing activities: -start by constructing a diagram from the initial situation to its single outcome -find all tasks that can be performed in parallel time frame
  • Review each bullet point! Topic: Holding an In-House Training Seminar on the New Seven QC Tools? (Nayatini 35) When reviewing activities: -if it is unclear if an item is an action or a result from that action, treat it as an action -if a sequence of actions starts heading towards an undesirable result, introduce a countermeasure to break path and divert action in another direction -you may have to loop back and start at the beginning
  • Review each bullet point! Topic: Holding an In-House Training Seminar on the New Seven QC Tools? (Nayatini 35) When completing the diagram: -ensure that not too many arrows cross each other -highlight the most desirable path so that it stands out for the others
  • Review the Chart
  • Matrix Data Analysis is a multivariate analysis technique called 'Principal Component Analysis'. This technique quantifies and arranges data presented in a Matrix Diagram, to find more general indicators that would differentiate and give clarity to large amount of complexly intertwined information. This will help us to visualize properly and get an insight into the situations. (
  • Review each bullet point!
  • Review each bullet point! This is an exact example. (Foster 305) Go over step by step.
  • Review each bullet point! This is an exact example. Go over step by step.
  • Review each bullet point! This is an exact example. Go over step by step.
  • Review the Chart Explain that this is a very complex process, but should be used as primarily a prioritizing chart/grid.
  • New

    7 Qc Tools Pdf

    New 7 QC Tools
    History of the New 7 QC Tools Slide 1 0f 2
    Committee* of J.U.S.E. - 1972 Aim was to develop more QC techniques with design approach Work in conjunction with original Basic Seven Tools New set of methods (N7) - 1977
    History of the New 7 QC Tools Slide 2 0f 2
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    New 7 QC Tools : Part I - Introduction What are the New 7 QC Tools? Affinity Diagrams Relations Diagrams Tree Diagrams Matrix Diagrams Arrow Diagrams Process Decision Program Charts Matrix Data Analysis
    New 7 QC Tools : Part I - Introduction What are the Basic 7 QC Tools ? Flow Charts
    Run Charts Histograms Pareto Diagrams Cause and Effect Diagrams Scatter Diagrams Control Charts
    New 7 QC Tools : Part I - Introduction '! ' # # .J9
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