Game Of Thrones Rpg Wiki

You have to run a game at least once, in order for it to create configuration files.

Game of Thrones is the title of a single-player role-playing video game developed by Cyanide Studios and published by ATLUS in North America and Focus Home Interactive in Europe. It is available on PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Originally a game based solely on the A Song of Ice and Fire novels by George R. R. Martin, Cyanide reached a deal with HBO to use art assets, music and voice actors from the TV series to make it a licensed product. It was released in the United States on 15 May 2012, and Prima Games released a strategy guide for it on the same day.[1]


The game follows two characters through events in Westeros, beginning approximately four months before the death of Jon Arryn and continuing into the early part of the first season. The first character is Mors Westford, a sworn brother of the Night's Watch who is serving on the Wall with his faithful dog. The second is Alester Sarwyck, a nobleman from the south who has spent years in exile in Essos and become a priest of R'hllor, the Lord of Light. He is summoned home to Riverspring by the death of his father and an attempt by one of his bastard cousins to claim the castle. While their stories are initially separated by thousands of miles, they will eventually have an impact on one another.

Characters known to appear in the computer game include Cersei Lannister, Varys and Lord Commander Jeor Mormont. Conleth Hill and James Cosmo reprise their roles from the TV series for the latter two roles. Locations from the TV series will include Castle Black and King's Landing. Other locations include Riverspring, Mole's Town and the abandoned Night's Watch castle of Icemark.


Note: this plot summary follows the events' chronological order, not how they appear in game.

The story follows two men: Mors Westford, a skinchanger and brother of the Night's Watch, and Alester Sarwyck, a red priest and heir to the town and castle of Riverspring in the Westerlands. Both men served in Tywin Lannister's army during Robert's Rebellion and were close friends.

The story begins with Alester Sarwyck, a red priest returning from self-imposed exile in the Free City of Braavos to attend his Lord father's funeral. Alester discovers his brother Gawen has been disinherited and is wanted for their father's murder and that his sister Elyana has been betrothed to their bastard half-brother, Valarr Hill. As the nobles leave the funeral, a riot breaks out among the smallfolk due to the display of finery. The player then has the choice to settle the revolt by force or by negotiation. Alester then decides to find Gawen and find a way to end Elyana's betrothal to Valarr.

​Alester travels to King's Landing. There, he witnesses Valarr interrogating and then murdering servants at the Sarwyck manse. Alester is able to sneak onto the estate and find a letter Gawen received from Falena, a whore from Chataya's brothel. During his escape Alester is forced to kill three members of the City Watch. He then goes to Chataya's and learns from Falena that Gawen was in King's Landing recently, but that she hadn't seen him since. Upon exiting the brothel, Alester is arrested and thrown in the Red Keep's dungeons.

​In his cell, Alester is visited by Varys, who helps him escape using the Red Keep's extensive hidden passages. He emerges in the throne room in front of Queen Cersei Lannister and her guards. Rather than kill him, Cersei is impressed by his resourcefulness and allows him to live. She allows him to compete with Valarr for the title of Lord of Riverspring by hunting down a bastard potter's apprentice named Harry Waters. He discovers Waters is being protected by a man named the 'Mother Hen'. Alester and Valarr hunt down and kill Waters and the Mother Hen who turns out to be Godric Donnerly, a knight in the serivce of Jon Arryn. A note on his body indicates that another bastard they're seeking is a woman heading north to the Wall. Valarr sends one of his men named Yohn to find her.


​After leaving the Red Keep Alester meets Lord Arwood Harlton, a close friend of his late father who says he has information about Gawen's location. Alester helps Harlton find a genealogical book which leads them to the conclusion that Cersei's children are illegitimate. While finding the book, Alester discovers to his sorrow that Gawen is dead and that Valarr arranged the murder of their father. Harlton then reveals that both he and Alester's father are Targaryen Loyalists. Alester recovers documents from his father's study in Riverspring and then heads to Harlton's keep at Castlewood.

The tale shifts to Mors and his hound chasing down a deserter from the Night's Watch named Gorold and returning him to Castle Black for execution. Upon returning, Lord CommanderJeor Mormont informs him that he must head to the ruined castle of Icemark to track down another brother named Cregan, who had murdered a recruit. Upon arriving at the ruins with several other brothers of the Watch, Mors finds it overrun by Wildlings. In the ensuing battle, all but Mors are slain by the Wildlings (except for a man named Poddy who deserts in the battle). Surrounded, Mors prepares to die but is saved by Qhorin Halfhand and a company of Rangers. He then tracks down Poddy using his abilities abilities as a skingchanger, killing him as he's robbing a woman on the road.

​Mors returns to Castle Black to find a letter from Jon Arryn asking him to protect a girl. He then meets a man claiming to be Godric Donnerly, who turns out to be Valarr's man Yohn, who leads him to the girl, named Jeyne Greystone, who was none other than the woman he saved on the road from Poddy. Jeyne knew Ser Donnerly personally and recognizes Yohn as an imposter. Mors and several of his Sworn Brothers track down and kill Yohn and his men in the woods outside Mole's Town. Yohn reveals he is part of Valarr's small army of followers who call themselves the 'Bloodseekers'. Lord Commander Mormont names Mors a recuiter to allow him to leave Castle Black to track down Valarr and ensure Jeyne's safety. The two head to Mors' family home in the Westerlands where he had left his family some 15 years prior when he had joined the Night's Watch. Mors discovers the graves of his wife and daughter.

Jeyne then reveals to him why she is being pursued: she is a bastard daughter of Aerys II Targaryen. Furthermore, she is pregnant with Robert Baratheon's bastard child. The home is suddenly attacked by Bloodseekers. In the midst of the battle, a man named Endrew comes to Mors' aid. He is revealed to be a spy planted in the Bloodseekers by none other than Arwood Harlton. He takes Jeyne and Mors to Castlewood to meet with Lord Harlton.

During supper, Lord Harlton reveals to Jeyne and Mors that he arranged her liaison with Robert Baratheon in order to produce a half Targaryen, half Baratheon child the Targaryen Loyalists could put on the Throne. After Jeyne refuses to help them, Harlton reveals their meal was drugged, and Mors loses conciousness as he tries to stand up.

In prison, Mors is tortured by Harlton's gaolers. During a reprieve, Mors uses his abilities as a skinchanger to control his hound and kill a guard. This allows a prisoner in another cell to escape, but the gaoler returns shortly after to continue his torture. Alester encounters the prisoner, who is revealed to be none other than Gawen Sarwyck, alive after all. He explains that it was Harlton who staged his murder and that Harlton was the one who poisoned their father, not Valarr.

The two brothers free Mors, though not before the gaoler burns out his left eye with a red-hot metal rod. As they try to free Jeyne, Gawen is slain by Endrew. They are then trapped in Jeyne's room by Harlton's soldiers and are forced to leap out the window into the river below, abandoning Jeyne to Harlton at her insistence.

They decide to return to Riversrping. Along the way, it is revealed that Mors was sent to the Night's Watch for refusing to follow Lord Tywin's orders during the Sack of King's Landing: originally, it was Mors who was to kill Prince Rhaegar Targaryen's wifeandchildren, not Gregor Clegane. It is also revealed that Alester was supposed to protect Mors' family from Tywin's wroth but failed to do so. His guilt forced him to go into exile in Braavos, where he became a red priest.

Upon their arrival in Riverspring, Mors and Alester discover that Valarr's Bloodseekers have taken over the town. They fight their way to the keep where Valarr accuses them of treason against the Throne. Mors challenges him to a trial by combat. Just as Mors is about to deliver the killing blow, Valarr summons a shadow (identical to the one used by Melisandre) using blood magic and uses it to kill Mors. As he dies, Valarr tells him that it was he who killed Mors' family at Lord Tywin's command. Valarr then orders his Bloodseekers to kill all the witnesses in the throne room and threatens Elyana's life to force Alester to reveal Jeyne's location. When he does, Valarr beheads Elyana and seals Alester in his father's tomb.

Fortunately for Alester, he is freed by his cousin, the Captain of Riverspring Guard, Ryman Sarwyck. The two devise a plan to liberate the town from the Bloodseekers using the Sarwyck army. Alester disguises himself in a Bloodseeker uniform, infiltrates the keep and opens the gates. Depending on the player's deployment of the Sarwyck army, loses can be light, medium, or heavy. After the battle, Alester finds Mors' body and gives him the kiss of life, a rite for the departed. However, this brings him back to life, much like Beric Dondarrion and Thoros of Myr.

Mors and Alester head to Castlewood to free Jeyne, finding it under siege by Valarr's Bloodseekers. They fight their way to Jeyne's room only to find she is in labor. She gives birth just as Valarr's men break into the castle. Harlton is slain when Valarr sends a shadow after him. Jeyne sacrifices herself to save her baby, allowing Alester and Mors to escape with the child as she is killed by Valarr.

The duo arrives in Riverspring where they learn that Robert Baratheon is dead and that Valarr is in King's Landing. They decide to head there. Before leaving, the player is given the choice of which of the two they will play as for the final mission.

Alester and Mors use the fact that most of the Red Keep is at Lord Eddard Stark's execution to infiltrate the Keep. Beforehand, they meet with Varys and learn that Valarr's shadow can be killed with Valyrian steel. They acquire a blade from an old friend of Mors' with which to face Valarr's sorcery.

The two fight their way through the Bloodseekers and confront Valarr in the Red Keep's throne room. He summons several shadows which fall before the Valyrian steel as Varys promised. Valarr falls on the Iron Throne, impaling himself on its barbs. With his dying breath, he reveals to Mors that Alester was with him when he killed Mors' family, that Alester was the one who killed his wife while Valarr was murdering their daughter. Mors then attacks Alester. The character the player chose for the final mission will emerge victorious. The survivor then meets with Varys, who offers to take Jeyne's child to the Free Cities to be raised in safety. There are four possible endings:

  1. Alester survives and sends the baby to the Free Cities. He then confronts Queen Cersei, who is disappointed at his disobedience and has him executed. As she walks away, Alester declares 'Better to die than to live tainted.'
  2. Alester survives and gives Cersei the baby. She declares him Lord of Riverspring, but Alester is wracked with guilt over killing Mors and the baby. He hangs himself in his bedchamber.
  3. Mors survives and gives the baby to Varys. He returns to the Wall, where he is seen executing another deserter in front of a group of new recruits to show them the penalty for desertion. He says to them: 'We are already dead. All of us. Accept it.'
  4. Mors survives, keeps the baby and deserts the Night's Watch. He returns to his family home in the Westerlands, where he is attacked by a band of Sworn Brothers. He leaves the baby in the house and steps outside to confront them as the screen fades to black.

Canon status

Although using actors, music and imagery from the TV series, the computer game also references events from the A Song of Ice and Fire novels that do not take place in the TV series. In addition, the visual representation of locations such as the Red Keep and Castle Black differ from the TV series in many respects. For this reason, it is assumed that the computer game is not to be considered canon for either the TV series or books, but as its own self-contained entity. For this reason, information on the houses and characters from the game should not have its own entries on this wiki.


Game of thrones rpg wikipedia

Cyanide Studios bought development rights to the Song of Ice and Fire novels in 2007. Initially the deal was only between Martin and Cyanide, with no involvement from HBO. Cyanide announced they would be simultaneously developing two games, an RPG and a strategy game entitled A Game of Thrones: Genesis. The strategy game, with no involvement from HBO, was released in September 2011 to largely lukewarm and negative reviews. Shortly before this, Cyanide and HBO announced that they had reached an agreement for the RPG to be released under a license allowing Cyanide to use HBO art assets, the logo from the TV series and some of the actors as well. This required some rewriting of materials already completed for the game.

George R. R. Martin has acted as consultant on the game's script, while Cyanide has also been advised on the setting and history of Westeros by Elio Garcia and Linda Antonsson of the fan site, co-writers of the forthcoming World of Ice and Fire companion book.


The game received a mixed reception, with reviewers praising the game's superior storyline and its surprising plot twists but also criticizing the game's dated graphics and poor voice acting.[2] By 18 June, the game's Metacritic rating stood at 52 out of 100.[3]

Limited edition

The limited edition pre-order bonus included: a 64-page hardbound book showing artwork from the development of the game.[4]

Similarities with the TV series

  • Conleth Hill and James Cosmo reprise their roles as Varys and Jeor Mormont from the TV series and the character models are based closely on their depictions of the roles.
  • The game uses Ramin Djawadi's main title theme from the TV series as its main theme music.
  • The game uses the TV show's versions of the banners of the major houses, particularly House Arryn's which is different from the version in the novels.
  • The game uses the TV show's imagery for the depiction of the exteriors of Castle Black and the Red Keep.

Differences from the TV series

  • Cersei Lannister appears and plays a key role, but is not voiced by Lena Headey but bears a close resemblance to her.
  • Qhorin Halfhand appears, though he is not voiced by Simon Armstrong, nor does he resemble him. In this case, the reason is that the deal with HBO was reached before the second season aired, and HBO chose not to give reference materials to Cyanide for Armstrong's depiction of the character.
  • The interior depictions of the Red Keep and Castle Black differ notably from the TV show's. Castle Black has the switchback stair from the books (which is missing from the TV series) and its buildings are much larger.
  • The exterior of King's Landing differs from the TV series. While the TV series version depicts a Mediterranean-style city, the game uses a more traditional, northern European city as a model.
  • Book characters who do not exist in the TV series, including Chataya and her daughter Alayaya, play a role in the computer game. In the TV series, their functions have been taken over by Ros, who is not present in the game.
  • The game dates Robert's Rebellion to fifteen years before the events of the series (as in the books), not seventeen as in the TV series.
  • The term 'The Others' is used in addition to the term 'White Walkers'. The TV show uses 'White Walkers' exclusively.


  • During the ending following the player's decision to have Alester kill Mors and give Jeyne's child to Cersei, Maester Harwyn tells Alester: 'It's not just your name, Lord Alester! It's your father's name! And it's all that's left of him! Don't destroy it.' This line is lifted almost word-for-word from the 2005 film Batman Begins, where it is spoken to Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) by Alfred Pennyworth (Michael Caine).

See also

  • Game of Thrones (2012 video game) on Wikipedia
  • Game of Thrones (2012 role-playing game) on IMDb
  • Game of Thrones (video game) on A Wiki of Ice and Fire


  1. Prima Games
  2. IGN Review
  3. Metacritic
  4. Winter is Coming
Game of Thrones
EngineUnreal Engine 3
Platform(s)Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
  • NA: May 15, 2012
  • EU: June 8, 2012
  • AU: June 14, 2012
Genre(s)Action role-playing

Game of Thrones is an action role-playingvideo game based on A Game of Thrones, the first of the A Song of Ice and Fire novels by George R. R. Martin, and in part also on the novels' TV adaptation by HBO, Game of Thrones.

The game was developed by Cyanide and published by Atlus USA in North America and Focus Home Interactive in Europe and Australia. James Cosmo and Conleth Hill reprise their roles from the HBO series as Lord Commander Jeor Mormont and Lord Varys, respectively. George R. R. Martin has a cameo appearance as Maester Martin in Castlewood. The game also uses other assets from the HBO series, such as the music.

  • 2Development

Plot summary[edit]

The game takes place concurrently with season 1 of Game of Thrones, and switches between two characters, Alester Sarwyck and Mors Westford. Alester, a knight, was the heir to Sarwyck, a lordly house under Lannister, but had fled to Essos 15 years before, being traumatized by an unspecified event at the end of Robert's Rebellion. During that time, he became a priest of R'hllor. He returns to Riverspring, his home, after hearing of his father's death. Mors Westford is one of the best rangers of the Night's Watch, and prior to that, he was one of the best knights serving House Lannister. Near the end of Robert's Rebellion, he refused a direct order to kill Elia Martell and her two infants, thereby putting his family's lives in danger. He sent his wife and daughter into hiding and was persuaded to join the Night's Watch to avoid execution. Mors is also a skinchanger, and has a dog which he can control at will.

Game Of Thrones Rpg Wiki Games

Alester, at his father's funeral, learns that his younger brother Gawen was recently disinherited, and has gone missing following his father's death. Gawen is suspected of murdering his father with poison. Meanwhile, Alester's half-brother, Valarr Hill, a bastard and a knight of the queen's guard, is engaged to Alester's sister, Elyana, and is set to become Riverspring's next lord, which Alester is determined to stop. As the funeral ends, a riot occurs among starving peasants. Alester takes command of the city guard and uses either force or negotiation to end the riot. Alester then leaves for King's Landing to search for clues about Gawen's disappearance. While there, he is arrested by the City Watch at Valarr's instigation. Varys helps him escape and meet with Queen Cersei, who decides to hire him for secret missions, and to make him compete against Valarr. The two are sent to kill a bastard named Harry Waters, who is protected by Jon Arryn's knights, led by Godric Donnerly. With Godric dead, they learn that Arryn was protecting another woman and sent her to the Wall. Valarr sends his lieutenant Yohn to impersonate Godric and find this woman.Alester then encounters Lord Arwood Harlton, who offers to help find Gawen. They find a genealogical book which proves that the queen's children are illegitimate. Alester searches the sewers for Gawen but finds bandits sent by Janos Slynt. Alester infiltrates the City Watch and finds a Gawen's corpse, and a letter showing that Slynt was hired by Valarr. At this point, Harlton reveals that he is part of a conspiracy to reinstate the Targaryens, as was Alester's father. Alester joins and goes to Harlton's estate, Castlewood.

While all this happens, Mors Westford is tasked with hunting down Night's Watch deserters. On one chase, he takes three new recruits to the castle Icemark, but they are attacked by wildlings. Two men die, one man named Poddy deserts, and Mors survives only when rescued by Qhorin Halfhand. Mors pursues and kills Poddy. Returning to Castle Black, Mors receives a letter from Jon Arryn asking him to protect a girl named Jeyne Greystone. Arryn's knights, led by Godric, appear to help Mors locate her. They find her in Mole's Town but Jeyne insists that Godric is an impostor. Mors and others have several fights against the impostors, as well as members of the Night's Watch who were bribed. As Yohn, the false Godric, dies, he reveals he was sent by Valarr. Jeor Mormont is furious and wants to strike back. He makes Mors a recruiter for the Night's Watch to give him a cover to head south, so that Mors can hide Jeyne and to bring Valarr to justice. Weeks later, Mors and Jeyne arrive at a deserted cabin belonging to House Westford, where Jeyne reveals that she is a bastard daughter of Aerys Targaryen, one of King Robert's mistresses, and pregnant with the king's child. Shortly after, Mors discovers his wife and daughter's graves. They are attacked by Valarr's men, but soldiers from Harlton counterattack and take Mors and Jeyne into custody.

Harlton reveals that, as a top advisor, he arranged Jeyne's relationship with the king to produce a half-Targaryen, half-Baratheon to be a puppet ruler. Mors is tortured in the dungeon, but one night, he uses his dog to free another prisoner, Gawen. Gawen meets with his brother Alester, who is staying upstairs, and reveals that Harlton murdered their father and faked Gawen's death. Alester liberates Mors, but Gawen is killed. It is revealed that Mors and Alester are old friends, who fought together in Robert's Rebellion. Alester and Mors are forced to flee Castlewood without Jeyne. At Riverspring, they find that Valarr is holding the entire town hostage, but they successfully break in, derailing Valarr's wedding. Mors duels Valarr, but is killed by Valarr's shadow magic. As he dies, Valarr reveals that he was behind the murder of Mors' family. The wedding guests proclaim the duel invalid because of the shadow magic, and try to support Alester, but Valarr reacts by massacring the town. Alester reveals Jeyne's location to Valarr in an attempt to save Elyana, but Valarr kills her regardless. Alester and his supporters organize a resistance while Valarr takes most of his men to Castlewood. Afterwards, Alester pays respects to Mors by performing the ritual of the Last Kiss, which unwittingly brings Mors back to life. As Valarr attacks Castlewood seeking to capture Jeyne, Alester and Mors sneak into the building, but find that Jeyne is in labor. Harlton is killed by Valarr's shadow-magic, while Jeyne allows Valarr to kill her, hoping that he will not realize that she has already given birth. Back in Riverspring, Alester and Mors learn that King Robert has died. A few days later, as Eddard Stark is being executed, they find and kill Valarr, having stolen a Valyrian sword to fight off Valarr's demons. Valarr, with his dying breath, reveals that he and Alester killed Mors' family together, acting on Tywin Lannister's orders. This is why Alester fled to Essos. Alester and Mors duel to the death. One of them survives and is confronted by Varys, who offers to send Jeyne's baby to Essos to be cared for. The game has four possible endings:

  • Alester survives, sends the baby to Essos, and confronts the queen, whereupon he is dragged away for a quick execution.
  • Alester survives, gives the baby to the queen, and inherits Riverspring, but is depressed and contemplates suicide.
  • Mors survives, sends the baby to Essos, and returns to the wall, regularly executing deserters and becoming highly jaded.
  • Mors survives and deserts the Night's Watch, hoping to raise the baby in Essos himself, as sworn brothers confront him at the Westford cabin.


Downloadable content[edit]

In November 2012 Cyanide published the downloadable content (DLC) 'Beyond the Wall'. It is set 10 years before the plot of Game of Thrones. It was released for PC platforms, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Gorold, Mors, and a Sworn Brother named Weasel are forced to go beyond the Wall, after a Night's Watch builder, Maekar, is abducted by wildlings. Weasel betrays Gorold and Mors to a wildling chief named Bael. Bael forces Mors and Gorold to take part in his pit fights. Mors meets his dog here, who is also forced to fight.

Game Of Thrones Rpg Wikipedia

After Mors and Gorold make an unpopular decision in the pits, a wildling, presumably angry at losing his wager, breaks into Mors' cage to assassinate him, but Mors' dog kills him. This enables Mors to find Gorold and escape the camp. However, Mors insists that they find Maekar first. Maekar is found to have had his arms and legs removed, and reveals that they were taken to provide meat to feed the pit fighters. He also tells Mors that he revealed the Wall's secrets and weaknesses to the Wildlings. Mors sends Gorold back to get reinforcements, and proceeds to massacre the entire Wildling encampment. When the Sworn Brothers return, one comments that it is 'like a slaughterhouse,' and Gorold, finding Mors, replies, 'Aye... And there's the butcher,' giving Mors his nickname.


A Game Of Thrones Wiki

Review scores
PCPS3Xbox 360
Game InformerN/A6/10[3]6/10[3]
Giant BombN/AN/A[8]
OXM (US)N/AN/A7/10[11]
PC Gamer (UK)58%[12]N/AN/A
PC PowerPlay5/10[13]N/AN/A
Digital Spy[16]N/AN/A
The GuardianN/AN/A[17]
Aggregate score

Game of Thrones received 'mixed' reviews on all platforms according to the review aggregation website Metacritic.[18][19][20]IGN praised the well-crafted plot, but criticized its poor execution through low-quality graphics, sound design, animations and voice acting, as well as a repetitive combat experience.[9]

The Guardian gave the Xbox 360 version three stars out of five and called it 'a decent game that has been horrifically let down by one sub-standard element.'[17] However, The Digital Fix gave the same console version a score of five out of ten and said, 'By hook or by crook Cyanide managed to win this licence before it hit the big time with HBO, and it's difficult to believe that they would be given the opportunity to create Westeros now that it is so much more well known. A serviceable game with blood spurts and political machinations would have sufficed as a first step, allowing them time to bed in get to know the nuances of third person combat. Instead, apart from the story, there is a general feeling of detachment from the game and its main gameplay elements giving rise to the notion that most who play it will do so only to find out how the tales of Mors and Alester twist and turn on their way to conclusion.'[21]Digital Spy gave the PC version two stars out of five and said that it 'takes a while to get going, but perseverance is rewarded with an engaging story full of tough choices and interesting dilemmas. Unfortunately, the plot is let down by poor storytelling, sloppy visuals and mediocre gameplay, despite a relatively deep combat system.'[16]


Game Of Thrones Rpg Wiki Characters

  1. ^Edge staff (August 2012). 'Game Of Thrones review (X360)'. Edge. No. 243. Archived from the original on June 25, 2012. Retrieved July 7, 2017.
  2. ^Justice, Brandon (May 21, 2012). 'EGM Review: Game of Thrones (X360)'. EGMNow. Archived from the original on October 11, 2012. Retrieved July 8, 2017.
  3. ^ abJuba, Joe (May 15, 2012). 'Game of Thrones (PS3, X360): Creating More Problems For Westeros'. Game Informer. Retrieved July 7, 2017.
  4. ^McShea, Tom (May 18, 2012). 'Game of Thrones Review (PS3)'. GameSpot. Retrieved July 7, 2017.
  5. ^McShea, Tom (May 16, 2012). 'Game of Thrones Review (X360)'. GameSpot. Retrieved July 7, 2017.
  6. ^'Game of Thrones Review (X360)'. GameTrailers. May 18, 2012. Archived from the original on May 21, 2012. Retrieved July 8, 2017.
  7. ^ abcWorkman, Robert (May 18, 2012). 'Game of Thrones review'. GameZone. Retrieved July 8, 2017.
  8. ^Navarro, Alex (May 23, 2012). 'Game of Thrones Review (X360)'. Giant Bomb. Retrieved July 8, 2017.
  9. ^ abcLegarie, Destin (May 15, 2012). 'Game of Thrones Review (PS3, X360)'. IGN. Retrieved May 18, 2012.
  10. ^de Matos, Xav (May 15, 2012). 'Game of Thrones review: Bowed, bent, broken (X360)'. Engadget (Joystiq). Retrieved July 8, 2017.Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  11. ^Lewis, Cameron (May 15, 2012). 'Game of Thrones review'. Official Xbox Magazine. Archived from the original on May 17, 2012. Retrieved July 7, 2017.
  12. ^Cobbett, Richard (September 2012). 'Game of Thrones RPG [sic] review'. PC Gamer UK. p. 58. Retrieved July 7, 2017.
  13. ^'Review: Game of Thrones'. PC PowerPlay. No. 205. July 2012. p. 64.
  14. ^McElroy, Justin (May 30, 2012). 'Game of Thrones review: stark raving bad (X360)'. Polygon. Retrieved July 8, 2017.
  15. ^'Review: Game of Thrones'. PlayStation: The Official Magazine. No. 60. July 2012. p. 78.
  16. ^ abMartin, Liam (June 8, 2012). ''Game of Thrones' game review (PC): Failing to take the crown'. Digital Spy. Retrieved July 7, 2017.
  17. ^ abBoxer, Steve (June 18, 2012). 'Game of Thrones - review (X360)'. The Guardian. Retrieved July 7, 2017.
  18. ^ ab'Game of Thrones for PC Reviews'. Metacritic. Retrieved October 24, 2012.
  19. ^ ab'Game of Thrones for PlayStation 3 Reviews'. Metacritic. Retrieved October 24, 2014.
  20. ^ ab'Game of Thrones for Xbox 360 Reviews'. Metacritic. Retrieved October 24, 2012.
  21. ^Brown, Lewis (June 26, 2012). 'Game of Thrones (X360)'. The Digital Fix. Archived from the original on April 25, 2016. Retrieved July 7, 2017.Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)

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External links[edit]

Game Of Thrones Rpg Wiki Online

  • Game of Thrones at MobyGames

Game Of Thrones Rpg Wiki Characters

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